August 14 2020

Governance and Human Rights in the Era of COVID-19


A moderated discussion with a focus on attention to human rights such as non-discrimination and human rights principles such as transparency, right to information, privacy, and respect for human dignity amidst the turmoil and disruption of COVID-19.


June 16 2020

The Impact of COVID-19 on SME Financing in Africa


A moderated discussion with a focus on identifying key building blocks, opportunities, and challenges such as access to finance, technology, business formation, business environment & infrastructure.


April 7 2020

How technology can be used to continue work and solve such crisis like COVID 19


During the UN/ITU Girls in ICT Day Celebration, through our Thought-Leadership, Miss.Africa Digital Spearheaded and organized a timely dialog on the impacts of COVID19 in the Tech Industry & (WFH) Working From Home Strategies via a muti-country Crisis Management Conversation within our girl squad community.


April 23 2020

COVID-19 eHealth Innovation Essay Writing Competition

To help navigate the challenges of studying remotely and be beneficial to the whole global conversation on health and wellness, DCA Digital Academy has created an essay writing competition award for university students to participate and use this special #StayAtHome moments and apply their creative minds to contribute to a solution. At the same time, it is intended to improve student proposal writing skills in making successful papers.