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Series 5: Women Bankers for Women Entrepreneurs: A Post 2020 strategy for success – November 19 - DCA WebForum

SERIES 5: Women Bankers for Women Entrepreneurs:
A Post 2020 strategy for success - November 19.

A moderated discussion with a focus on Women Bankers for Women Entrepreneurs: A post 2020 strategy for success with attention to different ways to boost financial inclusion in Africa, conducting more gender-segmented research, adapting collateral registries and adoption of mobile money services in Africa.

  1. The different ways to boost financial inclusion in Africa: Increasing women’s formal financial inclusion will yield knock-on effects for African economies.
  2. African banks can tailor banking services and products to women in order to address their specific needs
  3. How banks need to conduct more gender-segmented market research in order to design products that meet women’s needs.
  4. The role of governments in offering financial literacy training and upscaling digital literacy levels among women
  5. The adoption of collateral registries, which accept a broader class of assets as security and intangibles: This can help women access credit as they are more likely to own moveable assets.
  6. Adoption of mobile money services in Africa, and how they meet women’s unique financial needs.


Host/Chair - Sophia Bekele, Founder & CEO of DCA Group & Pioneering Miss.Africa Digital Women-in-Tech Impact Seed-Fund Grant Award, Former US Bank Executive, Califonia, USA
"We need women champions internally in all organizations as well as externally to get the financial inclusion equation right."

Pamela Mutembei - Founder of TGBH, Former Head of Credit Bank Marketing, Named as “Girl Boss" by BusinessToday Kenya
"The networking and training and peer learning is the key to the financial inclusion." 

Hon.AMB.Amina Salum - Special Guest Appearance/Speaker Minister of Trade and Industry in Zanzibar, First African Union Ambassador to United States, Politician, Tanzania
"The Government has to reach the banks and work together with financial institutions to enable women to have access to financing."

Rosalind Gichuru - Group Marketing Director, Global Brand Strategist, Com. Expert & Customer Experience Champion at NCBA Bank Group- Kenya
"We have to embrace 'Phygital' Banking (physical+digital) to give women a dignified way to borrow and access capital. Also we need to level the playing field for women.”

Clarissa Kudowor - Assistant Director at Bank of Ghana, fellow at the Fletcher Leadership School for Financial Inclusion and Gender Focal Point for the Digital Financial Services Working Group (DFSWG), Ghana
"The banks need to walk the journey with their clients so that they can also showcase that story and that journey. You don't just throw money at them.”

Sofia Rajab Leteipan Web Forum

Monica Chege - Senior Manager- Marketing and Communications, Credit Bank PLC Kenya
"It is for commercial banks to come to the level of these women and tailor solutions in the space that they are in."

Esther Dassanou - Manager Affirmative Finance Action for Women in Africa (AFAWA) at African Development Bank Group, Washington DC, USA
"Women entrepreneurs need to join their forces because our continent is in dire need of employment and jobs.”

Karen Kiambi - Head of EcoSystem Banking and Supply Chain Development at Absa Bank, Kenya
"We are still on a journey as commercial banks to have women products and using data to understand the demand for what women are looking for.”
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