Mr. John Ngumi is the Executive Director at Eagle Africa Capital Partners Limited, current Chairman of Kenya Pipeline Company Ltd, Wananchi Group and a Director at the Kenya Private Sector Alliance. He has over 35 years of corporate & investment banking experience, and recently retired as Head of Investment Banking for the Standard Bank Group in East Africa.
During his career, John worked variously for Barclays Bank, Citibank, Grindlays Bank, National Westminster Bank and Standard Bank Group. He has played a leading role in the development of Kenya’s and East Africa’s debt and equity. He also co-founded Loita Capital Partners Group, one of Africa’s first locally owned independent investment banks.
John has been at the forefront of the development of financial markets product & services, and of the accompanying regulatory frameworks, in Kenya and East Africa. He was also critical in the most significant debt and equity transactions. Away from banking, John has also served on the Boards of critical Government entities. He has previously held the position of the first Chairman of Konza Techno City Development Authority.
Mr. Ngumi received an undergraduate degree from the University of Oxford.